Hi everyone :)

This is my last blog, and today I will talk about the experience of learning English at university and the use of blogs.

Honestly, my experience learning English at the University was very similar like the school for example, make activities of listening, oral activities, grupal activitities, especially, participate in class and I'm not saying it is bad, only i say than was very similar to school. In my case, that's the only reason I felt a Little uncomfortable in the English classes was the participation, this both in the University as in school, and in my opinión, I would like that to change because, not all of them we feel comfortable participate. In the case of the blogs, i feel that was very well, the fact of being able to express to different way, other than in oral form, is very original for this subject. I like the idea than we can interact among us. And especially it is a lot of fun that they are of different topics, for example, the travel of the future, the future job, hobbies, etc.

In my case, the aspects of English i need to be improved is the pronunciation, however, i  practice my pronunciation listening to music in English or watching series. And that is so funny.

Currently i use my English in differents situations for example, when i play online video games, or when search information in English pages.


  1. I agree that the blog topics of the course were a lot of fun!

  2. Hi Simon!
    The truth is that I also use English for some video games and websites that are not translated, it is good to know some English.

  3. Hi! I agree with you, the blog topics were very fun and varied

  4. Hi Simon! I think one way to participate is also by writing blogs, and I agree with you, the blog topics was very entertained :)

  5. Hi simon! good blog! I think the same as you in relation to blogs, they are very entertaining and it is a teaching activity different from the others!

  6. I used to be shy in class, too, but now I'm a teacher haha. I think it's important to make an attempt to leave our comfort zone :D

  7. hi simon! I also practice my english in games or talking to random people on the internet. I completely understand you about fluency when speaking in English.

  8. Hi Simon, I also learn English playing video games haha


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