Hi everyone :)

This is my sixth and today i will talk about time travel to the future

In my case i would like to go to Asia in 2050, more exactly, Japan o China, this for many reasons. in first place, this countries are the technology pioneers and I'm curious about the technological advances in the differents topics, for example, the artificial intelligence, more specific, the artificial intelligence in the videogames since that would allow us to advance to the full immersion in the videogames, and that be a really revolution for this area

in second place, linked whit the artificial intelligence, i would like to see, the differnts advances in health area because, the tecnology guided by the artificial intelligence result to be a fundamental work tool for the doctors. Including, this tecnology has helped in search for the fast cures for many diseases, and China and Japan was the pioneres in this practices.

Other reason for i would like to go to this countries, is for the climate change. Be very interesting to see the differents advances in this topic, for example, bring more accesible to tecnology based on electric energy, or the use of the use of friendly energy whit the nature in the industries. 

For this reasons i would like to stay in any of this two countries because would allow me to learn more about the technological innovations. 


  1. how interesting technology will be in the future and in our lives, very interesting blog!

  2. Hi Simon
    How great that you want to go to Asian countries like China or Japan. I think that by that year they should have already created many technological advances.

  3. Hi simon!
    I really liked your idea! I had not thought of any of those countries, but it would be very interesting!

  4. Hi Simon! I’m so excited too see how technology will be in the future

  5. and that be a really revolution for this area --> and that can a real revolution for this area

    the differnts advances --> the different advances

    whit --> with

    tecnology --> technology

    China and Japan was the pioneres in this practices. --> China and Japan were the pioneers in this practices.

    other reason --> another reason

    Be very interesting to see the differents advances --> It would be very interesting to see the different advances

  6. Hello Simon, I think it would be very interesting to observe how the development of artificial intelligence has evolved in a country as technological as Japan.


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